We Are Far More Confident Today Than In Early Days – Akufo-Addo

We Are Far More Confident Today Than In Early Days – Akufo-Addo

Ghanaians are confident today after over six decades of self-rule, president Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Ado has declared during his 64th independence day address.

This year’s national celebration took place at the forecourt of the presidency in a toned down event that lasted for a little over an hour.

The president didn’t inspect the guard of honour as is usually done.

He however lighted the perpetual flame with security chiefs before delivering his speech which cut on issues ranging from the early days of independence through to his government’s efforts in nation building.

“I believe there is far more confidence among us as Ghanaians today, than there has been since the early days of self-government and we can make it if we work at it.

“Today, freedom and the cultivation of democratic values has strengthened our determination to bring into being a new Ghana that is neither poor nor victim of the world order. A testament to the rule of law, a respect for individual liberties, human rights, the principles of democratic accountability and the dictates of social justice has deepened for our common benefit,” he added.

Ghana has over the years marked the Independence Day celebrations with a march past and performances from the security services in their full regalia. This year’s edition was a return to Accra after the previous two editions were held in Tamale and Kumasi respectively.

The country’s first president and prime minister, Dr Kwame Nkrumah, on March 6, 1957 declared Ghana independent from the British colonial regime making it the first African country to do so. The 64th edition is the first for the president after his successful re-election in 2020.

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