Urban Roads Announces Measures To Restrict Movement Of Pragia To Some Areas Of Kumasi Inner City 

Mr Randy Wilson


THE Department of Urban Roads today announced measured aimed at restricting the movement of commercial motor tri-cycles known commonly as “Pragia” to some selected areas in the Kumasi Metropolis. The restriction takes effect from today( Monday, July 24),

A map that identifies the boundaries of the restricted zoned area the operators of the popular Prajia was made public at a press conference addressed by the KMA head of transport Mr. Randy Wilson in Kumasi on Monday.
The zone area stretches from the Manhyia Palace through the Zongo police station, Dunkirk, Ridge Police Station, Bekwai Round About, KATH Round About, Kumasi Zoo, Adehye Market up to the Dr Mensah area.

All strategic locations withing the boundaries including the Regional Police Headquarters at Adum, Kejetia and offices of the KMA are no longer no-go areas for Pragia riders.

Mr Randy Wilson, head of urban roads at KMA explained that the measures have become necessary because of the menace the pragia operators cause to the public.
He said in particular, their invasion of the central business district has compounded the worsening human and vehicular traffic situation in the area.

“Apart from this menace a lot of accidents in the Metropolis are attributed to the recklessness of the Prajia riders.” Mr Wilson further explained.

He noted that the Pragia riders have already been informed of this drastic decision adding that, besides the laws do not support their activities hence the justification of the restrictive measure adopted towards their operations as far as the Kumasi Metropolis is concerned..


The Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly is taking steps to re-organize transport services provision in the city in a bid to respond to the growing illegal activities that has taken over transport services causing a lot of congestion in the city.


1. Tricycle Menace

The General Assembly resolved at its meeting on 29 April to take steps to restrict the activities of tricycles (Pragia/Aboboyaa/Adedeta) within the core of the CBD. This is to ensure that the growing menace is curtailed before it can escalate into a situation where every available space within sections of the CBD will be turned into a station or loading point for pragia.

2. On-Street Stations

The On-street stations used for intra-city activities in the city has been growing contrary to decisions that were made for them to operate in the city. Most of the stations have increased the number of slots allocated to them, others have introduced additional routes into their operations whilst almost all of them have reneged on their mandates to keep their allocated slots ‘congestion-free and clean’

3. Day-time Cargo loading challenges

Cargo vehicles, as per the bye-laws of KMA are not supposed to off-load their goods in the CBD between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm. They are also not expected to parked within sections of the CBD. However, the situation has become worse as they seem to operate throughout the day and park anywhere creating congestion.

4. Illegal stations

Illegal loading of, especially, long distance vehicles has become a major troubling issue on the successful operation of transport activities within the city. Places like Central market, Pampaso, KATH roundabout, Suame roundabout etc have become major points where these illegal long distance activities are thriving.

5. Lack of Appropriate database for planning and management.

This has resulted in the city not being able to carry out most of the activities like allocation of slots, decisions on new stations, enforcement activities etc. It has also not made it easy for issuance of permits and stickers to the unions which in one way or the other support their operations and limit illegality.

Modalities for the Exercises

The Five Prong Approach proposed for adoption are under the following:

1. Tricycle Restrictions

Start restricting the tricycles (pragia/aboboyaa) operators from the CBD. To do this effectively, the following efforts should be made. i. Form a Committee / Team made of stakeholders in the transport management

to plan and fashion out approaches to use

ii. Meet the identifiable tricycle operators, discuss planned programs with them

and take in their concerns. Ensure they buy into the idea and will be willing to

control their members

iii. Meet media houses and explain the processes and secure their understanding and support

iv. Publicize the restricted areas, dates for start of operation and punitive measures outlined for them

2. On-Street Stations re-packaging and Enforcement of day-time Cargo loading


The On-street station were organized under the various unions. Cargo vehicles are also expected to operate under specific unions. Their activities therefore can and should be easily regulated through their parent unions. For this to be done

i. Meet the Regional Executives of all Transport Unions in addition to the Leaders

of the On-Street Stations, Cargo Vehicles etc

ii. Repackage the outlines and conditions given to them to operate iii. Assist the On-street stations to revamp their meetings so as to make it easy for internal controls to work

iv. Strengthen same for the Cargo vehicles so specific leaders can be focal points for subsequent discussions and dissemination of information.

3. Abolishing / Restrictions of illegal stations

The stations at these identified locations are all illegal and hence they do not have any permits to operate as such locations. For measures that ca bring finality to these illegal activities, the following should be looked at and adopted

i. All Unions / Stations operating in the city MUST be made to produce their Transport Operating Permits for inspection

ii. Those operating at Approved locations should be made to renew them appropriately or caused to cease operation until they have done so

iii. All unions MUST be made to provide information on their drivers and vehicles so as to qualify them for the issuance of appropriate stickers for operations. Failure to do this should prevent a union from operating on a route

iv. Sanction outlined for illegal operations should be repackaged and publicized so

as to ensure fairness when one faults

V. Carry out enforcement at these location and apply the punitive measures to serve as deterrent to others

4. Building Database for Transport Management

For the Assembly to be able to properly control and manage transport service provision as well as carry out its revenue mobilization and enforcement activities easily, all transport unions were asked to provide data on their members, vehicles and operational routes. This is seen as a major means that will ensures that only legally mandated vehicles could be given the chance to operate within the CBD and also at properly allocated terminals.

The assembly should intensify the data collection and issuance or permit and stickers so as to ensure that all legal vehicles have appropriate stations to work from. The waawaa menace will be drastically curtailed if the vehicles do not have the appropriate stickers and loading rights to be in the CBD.

Major Measures

i. The Assembly should issue a Press Statement on transport re-organization process to get the public to appreciate what has been planned and being executed.

ii. Appropriate institutions and agencies should be properly informed about the exercises. These include but not limited to the Regional Minister and regional Security Council, The Metro Security Council, Media Houses, Transport Unions etc.

iii. Planned activities should be given the needed support for it to succeed.

iv. Embark on intensive media Engagements starting with a short briefing, Press Statement and Radio/TV discussions

ON STREET STATIONS – No. of slots (1)



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