“I Will Vote For Akufo-Addo For Curbing Dumsor”- Renowned Chief

“I Will Vote For Akufo-Addo For Curbing Dumsor”- Renowned Chief

Exactly two weeks from today, the entire country would go to the polls to elect a new President who will steer the affairs of the country for the next four years..

According to a renowned Chief and political commentator on Wontumi news channels, Nana Oteatuoso Kokoben II, what will encourage him to exercise his franchise in favour of President Akufo-Addo is the fight he won over the” Dumsor.”

Speaking on Wontumi Morning Show on Wontumi Radio and TV in Kumasi on Monday, he described, the” Dumsor” as a catastrophe in the nation’s history and for being able to solve it he will vote for Nana Addo..

He added that, other reasons he will vote for Nana Addo are the introduction of the One District One Factory and the Planting For Food and Jobs programmes.

“I will vote for Nana Akufo-Addo because of the Planting for Food and Jobs that has helped John Mahama and his people to eat to their satisfaction and also the One District One Factory.” He said.
He said that, “the trainee Teachers-Nurses are sand saying they will vote for Nana Akufo-Addo for restoring their allowances.”

The Wontumi Morning show panelist indicated that, the electorate will vote for Nana Akufo-Addo based on the fantastic management of the Coronavirus that has killed scores.

“I am optimistic that Ghanaians won’t disappoint Akufo-Addo for providing for them free water and electricity” He said

The Akwanserehene of Akyem Kwabeng noted that,” the ECOWAS Chairman is aware of his good works that’s why he is seeking for re-election.”

“Nana Akufo-Addo knows the good works he has done so Ghanaians being what they are will reward him with their votes.” He said

“Nana Akufo-Addo has cautioned that, he won’t come to Ghanaians to make promises rather his good works will speak loud in convincing the people of what he is capable of doing.”

According to Nana Oteatuoso, President Akufo-Addo has stated that, the question Ghanaians have to ask before taking a decision on whether to renew his four years mandate or not is whether, “he has remained faithful to them by fulfilling his promises?

He stated further that Nana Addo is a man of integrity and he expects those who will vote for him to do so strictly on merit because he has a commitment to the people of the country.”.

“Glory be upon Nana Akufo-Addo for agreeing to take the country to the Promise land.”He noted

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