Obour Intensifies Campaign For The NPP In Asante Akyem South Constituency

Obour Intensifies Campaign For The NPP In Asante Akyem South Constituency

The Co-Convener for Aspirants Unite for Victory, Mr Bice Obour Osei Kuffour, continues to make an impact on the NPP Campaign trail. In his latest effort he joined the Asante Akyem South constituency executives to the various communities in the District to woo undecided voters to vote for the ruling government.

In the latest tour of Obogu, Obuor appealed to all aggrieved members and sympathizers of the party clamouring for a “Skirt and blouse” vote in the coming elections due to misunderstanding to put the past behind them and allow what is in the best interest of the party prevail

“We have a President who thinks first about what is in the best interest of the country so as party members we have to think same by ensuring that we get rid of whatever separates us from the party’s larger interest.” He told a cheering crowd.

Obour explained further that the gains made by the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo’s government and the MP, Lawyer Kwaku Asante Boateng, have to resonate for the public to be convinced beyond all reasonable doubt “ that the NPP should be retained for another four years.”

“In politics when there is a conflict between personal interest and party interest,” he continued, “the logical thing to do is to sacrifice what is for the individual’s benefit for the sake of the general party interest. That is why the President himself has pleaded with all aggrieved aspirants to bury their ego and embrace the overtures being made to them to let go their hold on their personal interest.”

Accordingn to the former MUSIGA president a losing parliamentary aspirant for Asante Akyem South, “The NPP and Nana Addo- led administration have achieved a lot for Ghanaians and we all have to be proud especially, as members of a great party. From the days of President Kufuor till now never has the NPP disappointed the Ghanaian people in the delivery of its promises. ”

“The NPP through its flagship programs and policies like the FSHS, Planting for Food and Jobs, Youth in Afforestation, etc. have impacted positively on the lives of Ghanaians from diverse backgdround so voting massively for the party to continue fulfilling its promises should be the best thing to do come December.”. he indicated.

In his hometown, Juaso, Obour led the crowd to sing some of the famous compositions by Ghanaians in honour of the NPP.

Obour also reminded the people who had gathered that some of the untold hardships the John Mahama administration imposed on Ghanaians like the “Dumsor” menace which for a long time became an albatross around their neck will re-surface if the NDC regain power.

“Major hikes in utility bills especially, electricity and Water in the wake of the ‘Dumsor’ crisis, cancellation of nurses and teacher allowances and several corruption scandals became rampant during the eight years of the NDC government and these are what the NDC will forever be remembered for.”
In response, the crowd chanted, “NDC, Never Again!!”

Obour called on all to support the NPP’s Presidential Candidate, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in his bid to have his tenure extended by voting for him as well as the Parliamentary Candidate for Asante Akyem South, Lawyer Kwaku Asante Boateng, quoting the popular Akan adage to make his argument more meaningful : “Baabi a osono gyina no, eho ara na ne ba nso gyina”. To wit, “The baby elephant always positions itself close to its mother” .

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