E-Levy: PNC Youth Explains Why Yentua Is Not The Best Option For The Youth Of Ghana

E-Levy: PNC Youth Explains Why Yentua Is Not The Best Option For The Youth Of Ghana


1. The Youth-Wing of the PNC has followed with keen interest the raging debate on
the introduction of the Electronic Transfer Levy and wishes to make the following
appeal to the general public and to the government of Ghana.

2. Admittedly, the economy is recovering from the COVID 19 pandemic; whose main
impact has significantly reduced government revenue amidst the numerous financial
demands to keep the country running.

Several social intervention programs such as the Free SHS, the NABCO, Planting for Food and Jobs, YouStart initiative ( to create 11 million jobs for the youth from 2022) etc require funding, the interest paid on loans
tops government expenditure, hence, continue borrowing cannot be an option for the
country. It is our appeal to fellow Ghanaians to side with government in its call to
sacrifice in building our nation especially the future of the youth.

3. The E Levy is a panacea to most of the numerous challenges confronting the youth
today. The passage of the E -levy bill has the potential of creating 11 million jobs for
the youth of Ghana, supporting those who want to go into business ventures and
giving financial support to those already in business. The PNC Youth Wing sees this
as a great intervention for the youth and it is against this backdrop we are appealing to
the general public to consider the long term benefits of the E-Levy to the youth of

4. We promise to serve as a watchdog in monitoring the implementation of the
promises of government through E-Levy funds for its intended purpose. Going to
IMF for a bailout as a country is not the best option now. The PNC believe in self
reliance hence their ideology that the youth of Ghana must be job creators and not job

5. PNC believe that a reduction from 1.75% rate to 1% rate will minimize the
possible hardship the levy will have on the people of Ghana. Again, the government,
through its representatives in parliament must adopt the best diplomatic approach to
build consensus with the minority group in the house by taking into consideration
their concerns.

6. We again appeal to the government to consider managing sectors that bring
revenue to it’s coffers judiciously. Companies and institutions like GRA, Ghana Water
Company Ltd, ECG, Passport office, DVLA, Births and deaths are institutions that are
poorly managed and the government is losing a lot of revenue in that field. The
informal sector is estimated to recruit 70% of the working population for that we
believe expanding the tax network will mean assisting the sector to get formalized
and to also lessen the burden on the few taxpayers.

7. We want to assure Ghanaians that a future PNC government shall block all
financial leakages in state institutions and create more wealth for the country.
PNC: Service with honesty.


Muniru S. Mohammed
(Acting National Youth Organiser)

Angela Guma
(Acting Deputy Youth Organiser


youth wing

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