Zongo Chiefs, Imams Abandon John Mahama To Join Nasara Campaign Launch

Zongo Chiefs, Imams Abandon John Mahama To Join Nasara Campaign Launch

As the pre elction activities heat up towards 7th December 2020, there was a crash of program at Nkekenso Zongo between the NPP and the NDC in the offinso north constituency on Saturday the 21st November 2020.

The Nasara wing of the NPP in the offinso North constituency was outdooring its Nasara wing campaign team to the chiefs and people of offinso north constituency while Former President John Mahama is also holding a durbar of chiefs and people of the constituency at the same community.

The NPP Nasara wing had prior given notice to the police while the NDC had not. All appeal and negotiations to presidential candidate of the NDC to postpone their program the next day was given a deaf ear.

As if the Zongo Chiefs and Imams across the constituency where aware of the show of gross disrespect to the police by the NDC, all zongo chiefs and Imams abandoned the former President’s visit to join the Nasara campaign launch.

The Ashanti regional Nasara Coordinator Alhaji Saalim Bamba speaking at the event expressed utmost thanks to the Zongo Chiefs and imams for prioritizing the Nasara wing launch. He added that it is an expression of goodwill to the leadership of H. E Nana Addo Danquah Akufo Addo.

The program preceeded the ongoing Nasara campaign outreach by the regional Nasara secretariat under the Zongo and Kayaye project of the Ashanti regional campaign.

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