“Your Target Audience Defines You, Optimize It” – Maximus Ametorgoh

The Chief Executive Officer of Popout Digital Solutions, Maximus Ametorgoh has re-echoed the need for businesses online to optimize their target audience saying it defines who you are.

He explained that defining and finding audience are clear tools that drive a business in digital transformation.

The Digital Lead was speaking at the MTN Bright Media series held virtually on the theme, “Optimizing and Monetizing Your Online Channels” on Thursday, 13/10/2022.


Maximus stated that a poorly defined target will result in ineffective social media engagements.

“It is necessary that you interact with your customers to know the platforms they are using to connect with the social network. Profile them to know their demography: their lifestyle, age, disposable income, social behavior, and many other information that relates to your business.Know their preferred social media platforms and tell them about your account so they can also join,” he emphasized.

He noted that carefully defining your target audience and communicating this effectively among your team sets up a successful strategy.

“You earn traffic from the right people, with the right content at the right point in their purchase journey,” he said.

Profile – Projecting your brand identity clearly:

“Check if you have stated clearly who you are, what you do and have on offer as business. Profile your business so that your fans or followers clearly know your identity.You must project your identity very strongly without any ambiguity. Your name, logo, profile category, profile text, website links, addresses, contacts and other profile information must be correct and true,” Maximus stressed.

Plan – Working with a scheme:

“You must have strategy for managing your social media accounts. The success or failure of it depends on it. So long as you have objectives to achieve, you must execute that with clearly defined strategies. Have a plan for your content development, deployment and measurement. Know when to tap into the conversations trending on social media and how you can intelligently connect with the participants and get amazing responses,” he explained.

Publish – Sharing posts at the right time:

The Chief Executive Officer of Popout Digital Solutions said having your contents planned for publishing is good but timing is better.

“Know when to start a conversation by publishing your contents at the time that your fans or followers are actively on social media,” he reiterated.

Purpose – Checking your objectives again:

When things are not working as expected on your social media accounts, you must first check if the purpose for coming on the platforms are true, achievable and measurable. You must use social media because it delivers quality number of existing and potential customers to your business via the web.

Do not choose platforms because they are popular. Select the one that has more of your customers are actively socializing on so you can be more effective there. Check if you are using the right platforms to reach your customers.





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