You Are Coming And So What? NPP Communication Director Questions JM

You Are Coming And So What? NPP Communication Director Questions JM
Dr. Kyei (l) and Mr. John Mahama (r)

A question has been thrown to the 2016/2020 defeated Presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Mahama to clarify his statement about his coming back.  

Dr. Kwesi Kyei, the Ashanti Regional Communications Director for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has remarked that his party has no problem with the plans of John Mahama to lead the NDC in the 2024 elections but would forewarn him that an imminent defeat awaits him.  

The NDC Member of Parliament (MP) for the Bole-Bamboi constituency, Alhaji Yussif Sulemana, was first to give an hint that Mr. John Mahama was lacing his boots to contest the 2024 Presidential elections.  

During the Eid-ul-Adha celebration, he stated on behalf of Mr. Mahama that “Former President John Dramani Mahama who is from Bole here has asked me to tell the good people of Bole-Bamboi Constituency that he has not forgotten of the good things they have done for him over the years and that Inshah Allah (God willing) he is likely to come back to contest elections in his party and so they should use this special Eid-ul-Adha day to thank God and to ask for good health, success and victory for him”. 

But Dr. Kwesi Kyei responded to the comment by noting that Mahama’s main intent to become President again is to have access to Ghana’s bauxite concession and hand it over to his brother Ibrahim Mahama.  

He added that Ghanaians would never vote for a person who has spearheaded an administration that cancelled Teacher and Nurse trainees’ allowances.  

He described Mr. Mahama as an “empty” person with a “reverse” type of leadership skills. And also warned that anybody who votes for the NDC is choosing a “curse”.  

He ended by warning that instead of using our taxes to pay school fees for the school children, Mr. Mahama would use it to buy houses for slay queens.  

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