You Are A Failure! You Stayed Home Drinking Whilst Your Party Suffered-Dr Kwesi Kyei Tears Into JM

You Are A Failure! You Stayed Home Drinking Whilst Your Party Suffered-Dr Kwesi Kyei Tears Into JM
Mahama and Ofosu Ampofo

The Ashanti Regional Director of Communications for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr. Kwesi Kyei has laid into former President John Mahama and accused him of being the reason the National Democratic Congress (NDC) failed to glitter in the 2020 general elections.

The former President and 2020 flagbearer for the NDC has indicated that so far the main opposition party has held two retreats to analyze the party’s performance in the 2020 election.

According to him, illiteracy is to be blamed for the woes the NDC suffered in last year’s elections.

Mr. Mahama is on record to have said that “every region was asked to account for its performance in the 2020 elections. They came with reports and there was one region who stated that ‘some of our party agents were illiterate, they could not read or write…and the chairman asked, but who made them party agents?“.


But responding to him on Wontumi TV which was monitored by, Dr Kwesi Kyei described the former President as a failure and stated that the outcome of the 2020 elections proves that the NDC didn’t prepare for the exercise.

Discounting the statements by Mr. John Mahama further, Dr. Kwesi Kyei stated that “he is talking about getting help from graduates during the collation process but during the 2020 elections, he was home drinking. What did he do? He only allowed his party to organize series of needless press conferences.

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