Work Hard —- Ps Josh Obeng Encourages Ghanaians

Pastor Josh Obeng, CCC Resident Pastor

Resident Pastor at Calvary Charismatic Center (CCC), Kumasi, Pastor Joshua Obeng has encouraged Ghanaians to work hard wherever they are placed in life since God blesses effort.

Speaking at Ayigya, Pastor Josh noted that things were hard in the country.

However, he said since growing up he had never seen Ghanaians saying things were easy for them.

“I urge Ghanaians to work hard whether they were in corporate world, government settings or doing their own businesses because that is the only way they could attract blessings from God”, Pastor Josh stressed.

Preaching on the importance of confessions, the CCC Resident Pastor said men got what they confessed in life.

He noted that it was important that people made positive confessions over everything they do in life.

Those who confessed negativity or bad luck would have same, he stated.

“The Bible makes it clear that death and life were in the power of the tongue and those who use positive confessions would do well in life”, the CCC Minister noted.

The CCC Pastor noted that the best confession in life is that which is based on the Lordship of Christ Jesus.

He explained that good success in this life was only guaranteed in Christ Jesus since he is both Lord and King of this Life.

He therefore urged Christians to hold fast the confessions they have made in Christ and profess same to the world.

“Be bold and confess Christ wherever you are placed in life and when you do this your life would attract others to get to know the Lord we serve”, Pastor Joshb intimated.


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