Wontumi Warns Mahama: Stop The Drama And Thank Akufo-Addo For The 307 Ambulances

Wontumi Warns Mahama: Stop The Drama And Thank Akufo-Addo For The 307 Ambulances
Chairman Wontumi

The Ashanti regional Chairman for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Mr. Bernard Antwi Boasiako, is least enthused by the theatrical act displayed by former President Mahama as he was seen in viral video attending to two motor riders who had been involved in an accident.

As reported earlier by Wontumionline.com, Mr. John Mahama was captured in a video attending to ‘okada’ accident victims who seem to have been knocked down by his convoy.

The former President is clearly heard in the video asking one of his aides if he had called the ambulance service to attend to the ‘okada’ riders who were lying on the floor.

Reacting to news, Mr. Antwi-Boasiako also known as Chairman Wontumi, stated it was a shame Mr. Mahama did little to uprade the ambulance service when he was President.

Chairman Wontumi told Wontumionline.com in an interview that Mr. Mahama just as all Ghanaians, have President Akufo-Addo to thank for providing the country with 307 ambulances; each for every constituency.

The NPP Chairman proceeded to warn the former President to cut the drama and bow his head in shame for not being able to get Ghana a befitting ambulance service before he left office.

On Tuesday, 28th January, 2019, President Akufo-Addo, commissioned and presented three hundred and seven (307) new, state-of-the-art ambulances to the National Ambulance Service, in fulfilment of his 2016 campaign pledge.

According to President Akufo-Addo, the 307 ambulances are “fitted with advanced life support equipment and tracking devices, to be distributed to 275 constituencies, i.e. 1-Constituency-1-Ambulance, to be managed by the National Ambulance Service, and the remainder of thirty-two (32) ambulances to the headquarters of the Service.”

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