Women, Do These Things And Your Marriages Will Last!

Women, Do These Things And Your Marriages Will Last!


Modern days marriage doesn’t last as it were on the olden days, though these generation have the abundance of richness for which one may asked why we cannot last month in a relationship, Bellow are the few tips that a woman must do to attract her partner.

Women can make your husband the most loving, romantic, admirable and caring man on earth. Ask him what you can do to make him happy. This is the most important question you will ever ask your husband. Get rid of bad habits that annoy him
Respect him.

~ Allow him to take the lead.
~ Follow him with respect and honor
~ Make him your number one mentor
~Treat your husband with dignity.
~ Be kind to his parents and relatives
Don’t be his headache. Give him peace. This is one of the best gifts you can give a man. Make him happy. Never do anything that brings him sorrow. Never compare him to anyone living or dead. Be a good money manager and investor. Understand his love language and give it to him.

~Be a great cook
~ Dress to attract him
~ Don’t be too proud to say “I am sorry”
~ Appreciate him for paying the bills.
~ Never see it as his duty
~ Make him your priority.
~ Pray for him.
~ Play with him
~ Listen to him
~ Forgive him
~ Support him financially.
~ Don’t be stringy with your money
~ Support his vision
~ Encourage him
~ Satisfy hIs sexual needs.
~ Never deny him of your body.
~ Tell him you love him
~ Celebrate him
~ Treat him like your king.
~ Give him gifts constantly.
Buy him a new sets of underwear: a new pair of socks, shoes, shirts, belt, trousers, wrist watch or handsets. No gift is too small or too big for your darling husband. Your Marriage Is What You Make It To Be! You will not fail in marriage.

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