Were You Expecting Fufu Or Banku From Chop Bar Operators After Your Dynamites Comments? NPP Comms Dir Slams Hopeson Adorye

Were You Expecting Fufu Or Banku From Chop Bar Operators After Your Dynamites Comments? NPP Comms Dir Slams Hopeson Adorye
Yandoh and Hopeson

The Ashanti regional Communication Director for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has slammed Hopeson Adorye for lying about detonating dynamites in the Volta region during the 2016 general elections.

Mr. Paul Yandoh stated that if dynamites were ever detonated in the Volta region like Hopeson falsely claimed, it would’ve come into the news in the aftermath of the elections.

Paul Yandoh  asked Adorye to cut Ghanaians some slack explaining that “You blasted dynamite in that area in 2016 and we never heard of it? An area that even make noise about tidal waves?”

Speaking on Wontumi TV, the NPP Communication Director praised the Ghana Police Service for taking the matter up and dealing with it as a matter of national security.

In shaming Hopeson Adorye who has switched carpet from the NPP to Movement for Change, Mr. Yandoh stated “did you expect pastors to call you because you have blasted dynamite or you expected chop bar operators to feed you with fufu for doing that?”

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