We’re Not In Bed With Government, We Stand For Ghana – EC

We’re Not In Bed With Government, We Stand For Ghana – EC

The Director of Electoral Services at the Electoral Commission, Dr. Serebuor Quaicoe has questioned the motive behind the phenomenon of opposition political parties soiling the credibility of the Commission.

He says it is mind-boggling that political parties while in power, seem to support the Commission but turn against the commission immediately they lose elections.

Dr. Serebuor Quaicoe who was speaking at the 2nd National Delegates Conference of the All People’s Congress (APC) dismissed allegations that the Electoral Commission is in bed with the governing NPP.

He said the Commission will never influence elections in favour of any political party.

“How come that when the political parties are in power, they are in bed with the EC, when they are in opposition they are against the EC? I want them to one day tell us what they do with the EC when they are in power such that they suspect that when someone else is in power, the person will do the same thing. We stand for Ghana and I can assure anybody that under no circumstance should a decision of Ghanaians be hanged by the EC. The EC cannot and will not ever change it. It is not possible,” he said.

Ghanaians will go to the polls on December 7, 2020.

Ahead of the polls, some opposition political parties have been extremely critical of the Electoral Commission.

Some of the opposition parties have accused the EC of working to influence the election in favour of the governing party; a claim both the EC and the governing NPP have rejected.

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