The founder of Sabash Herbal Center, Dr. Kwaku Sarbah, has emphatically stated that having sex depends on the weight of women and not the penis size of men.
According to him, a lot of people don’t enjoy sex because the woman is either too thick to be handled in bed or the man’s penis is too small for the woman to ride and satisfy her sexual needs.
Speaking to Adwen the Love Doctor on Ghana’s ‘In Bed with Adwen Show’, he said, “The weight of the woman and the size of the man’s penis is very important when it comes to lovemaking. The same way women differ in sizes, the same way the penis of men also differs.”
He stated that for one to satisfy their sexual needs, they have to, first of all, have sex with their partners and find out what works best for them.
“Thick women, for instance, love sex a lot and love men with a big penis, while men with big penis also love slim women because they can handle them in bed. It all depends on the individual and what makes them comfortable in bed,” he revealed.
He advised people to always stick to what makes them comfortable and gives them the sexual pleasure they want.