Wear A Mask To Protect Yourself, Others- GHS Advises The Public

Wear A Mask To Protect Yourself, Others- GHS Advises The Public

The Ghana Health Service (GHS) has advised the general public to wear nose masks to protect themselves and others from contracting the deadly coronavirus.

Speaking exclusively on Kumasi-based Wontumi Radio and TV, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) for the GHS, Mr. Jacob Andoh said that, if an individual thinks about himself only, he will not wear the nose mask.

“Let us think about parents, relatives and others and wear the mask.” He appealed.

Mr. Andoh further advised the Public to have a nose mask in their possession whenever they move out from home.

He indicated that, parents must ensure that their wards mask up when they are going to school.

“If the nose mask is washable we must do so and iron it for reuse.” He urged.

The GHS PRO appealed to the media to use their platforms to educate the public on the preventive measures.

He said that, the fight against the COVID-19 is a collective effort and that Ghanaians should help themselves to control the spread of the pandemic.

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