We Will Brand Kotoko Players To Be Celebrities – CEO

We Will Brand Kotoko Players To Be Celebrities – CEO

Chief Executive Officer of Asante Kotoko, Nana Yaw Amponsah has said that he will brand the playing body to become celebrities in Kumasi and beyond.

According to the CEO, he does not understand why Kumawood actors are branded as celebrities in the country while Asante Kotoko players are not regarded as such.

He has, therefore, promised to change that narrative and brand to become celebrities for them to attract personal sponsorship.

“My management is determined to brand Kotoko players to be celebrities just like movie stars and musicians, and this means that, where they live, where they eat and their outfits must evolve.”

“If a Kumawood actor is tagged as a celebrity, why can’t a Kotoko player have the same tag? Our players must get an endorsement from big brands,” he told Kumasi-based FM.

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