“We Had Family Reunion Last Saturday” —- Asare Bediako.

“We Had Family Reunion Last Saturday” —- Asare Bediako.


Mr Asare Bediako, former Chairman of Asokwa NPP and aspirant in the recently held regional chairmanship elections says he did not see the contest as a “do or die” situation but a gathering of family members.

Speaking to the Ghanaian Observer Newspaper Monday evening, ABEK, as the famous politician is referred to by NPP members noted that it was a great sight seeing party members draped in the colours of the great elephant.

He said with eyes catching almost every delegate including founding members, members of the council of patrons, Members of Parliament as well as constituency executives he felt fulfilled as a person.

Sounding very calm, ABEK wished that what went on at the family gathering would shape the mindsets of the new leadership at the Regional level to work to ensure the party retains power beyond 2024 with a united front.

“I want to thank my family especially my wife and children for encouraging me to go for the just ended contest and all others who played specific roles as well as others who created initiatives to push my campaign to the final day. We have shown we are better together and with this spirit we will help move the NPP forward”, Mr Bediako stated.

Mr Asare Bediako stressed that despite the many accusations and counter accusations against themselves before the polls, it was healthy seeing all of the contestants sit together to laugh off some of the things that came up.

He said in the political arena, heat is generated because of competing interests from contestants and their supporters.

But he cautioned that going forward nobody in the NPP should be seen maligning any party member so that the lessons of unity from the regional delegates conference would guide the party in preparing for the upcoming general elections.

“I commend highly delegates of our party for choosing persons they believe can best administer the various offices at the Regional executive level and urge that they demonstrate the ability to unite all fronts as we march forward to the general elections of 2024 and beyond”, ABEK stressed.

Mr Asare Bediako commended the newly elected and third term Chairman of the Ashanti NPP,  Mr Bernard Antwi Bosiako for commencing what he described as unity talks.

He noted that this show of leadership presents the party the opportunity to unite its front including persons who may have been bitter about the outcome of the elections.

The former Asokwa Chairman pledged his commitment to the new leadership and assured them of his preparedness to give advice when needed as well as other support they may request as the party readies itself for the battle ahead of it in the 2024 elections.

“I want to commend Chairman Wontumi for taking the initiative to visit all aspirants who contested him in the just ended elections and ask party members to guard against the negative agenda by the NDC and some persons in the media whose stock in trade is to fuel hate and propaganda so as to derail our efforts of achieving unity”, Mr Bediako asserted.



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