We Already Have A President; We Don’t Need A Maintenance Officer- Mustapha Tells JM

We Already Have A President; We Don’t Need A Maintenance Officer- Mustapha Tells JM
Hon. Mustapha Hamid

The Minister for Inner City and Zongo Development, Mustapha Hamid, has reminded former President John Mahama that Ghanaians, already have a performing President in Nana Akufo-Addo and are not looking for a maintenance officer, to take over from him.

During a discussion on the Majority Caucus show which was monitored by Wontumionline.com, the Minister stated that the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has failed to convince Ghanaians that he has what it takes to implement good policies to match his successor.

He continued that Mr. Mahama, has always been talking about maintaining successful policies implemented by President Akufo-Addo; making him sound more of a maintenance officer than a flagbearer with a vision.

Prior to the 2016 elections, former President Mahama told Ghanaians that his government would scrap the teacher trainee allowance even if it would cost him the elections.

After learning that President Akufo-Addo in his first year restored the allowances that he (Mahama) cancelled, the latter has been begging electorates that he would maintain the payment of teacher and nurses’ trainee allowances should he win the 2020 presidential elections.

His maintenance promise drew a sharp criticism from Mustapha Hamid, who appealed to the former President to think outside of the box and stop talking about maintaining solid structures President Akufo-Addo has put in place.

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