(VIDEOS & PICTURES) Hon Gifty Ohene-Konadu National Coordinator Monitoring and Evaluation Secretariat At The Office Of The President Inspects Ongoing Govt Projects In Ashanti Region

Ongoing government projects in Ashanti Region are progressing steadily as the National Coordinator for the Monitoring & Evaluation Secretariat at the office of the President, Hon. Gifty Ohene Konadu, inspected the projects.

Hon. Gifty Ohene Konadu inspected the Kumasi International Airport, Sawua Regional Hospital, New Asokore Mampong Affordable Housing, Spring & Bolts factory and Infectious Diseases centre on day two of the tour.

Kumasi International Airport

Director and Planning for the Kumasi International Airport project, Yaw Appiah Danquah who took the National Coordinator through the inspection said the airport is near completion.

“The critical aeroplane the airport can occupy is Boeing 737-800”, he noted.

He disclosed that the testing and commissioning of the systems and equipment will commence next week.

He indicated that the runway will be extended from 1981m to 2380m.

Chipping in, the Municipal Chief Executive Officer for Asokore Mampong, Kennedy Kankam lauded President Akufo-Addo for constructing the airport in the area.

He said it will boost the economic activities in the area adding that the airport will create employment for the residents.

Regional Hospital @ Sawua and Infectious Diseases Centre

At Sawua the team was taken through a state-of-the-art Hospital facility cum infectious diseases centre.

The project officer for the hospital, Stephen Owusu Sekyere affirmed to Hon Gifty Ohene Konadu that it’s a 250-bed hospital capacity.

He affirmed that the hospital is 99% complete.

“Medical equipment has been installed and we are ready to hand it over to the government,” he assured.

The Hospital Challenges

The Project Officer said the access road was a big blow but the government has given a swift response to it.

He revealed that the hospital needs reliable power for testing the equipment.

Springs & Bolts Factory @ Asokwa

The Head of Finance, Osei Boateng told the team that without the timely intervention of Akufo-Addo’s stimulus package, the factory would have collapsed.

He said the One District One Factory initiative has helped the factory to export more materials for the business.


He disclosed that the factory exported springs and bolts to the West Africa sub-region.

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Housing Estate

Hon. Gifty Ohene Konadu was amazed at the edifice she sighted.

The Saleswoman, Gladys said the housing contains 91 blocks and 8 apartments for 2 bedroom units.

She asserted that the purchasing cost of an apartment is Ghc 195,000.

She said there is a mortgage plan for buyers.

Story by Nana Owusu Achiaw/Wontumionline.com

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