(VIDEO)Ayisha Modi And Diamond Appiah Are At Each Other’s Throat Again

(VIDEO)Ayisha Modi And Diamond Appiah Are At Each Other’s Throat Again

Ayisha Modi has rekindled her feud with Diamond Appiah and this time around, the ‘back and forth’ is mainly over a piece of land.

In what seems like a fresh battle, Ayisha Modi took to social media to lament about how she has been duped to the tune of $40,000 by Diamond Appiah after making payments for a piece of land.

Ayisha said she has since not received the land documents after paying in full 2-years-ago.

‘Infuriated’ Ayisha Modi explained that she has been chasing Diamond for the land papers all this while but all attempts have proved futile.

The outspoken socialite added that Diamond always brings up the excuse that the man who originally owns the land has travelled hence the documents are inaccessible.

“I have sent messages, I have asked people to call you for my land papers and u kept telling them the Man you bought the land from is not in Ghana. Madam point of correction I don’t know any man and I don’t care, all I need is my land papers. I will post the date that money was transferred to your account in Ghana for u to see how long and how patient I have been with u.

“Enough is enough rich lady. I beg you in the name of God or else what will happen will happen. $40,000? I won’t let it go. Am giving you by the end of this month for u to give me my land papers which have been fully paid for, if not all hell will break loose. Thank you, my rich woman. I repeat myself I don’t know any man and besides, I didn’t make any payment to anyone but you. If u want peace in East Legon kindly just give me my land papers. You and I know the deal. Eish, what kind of Rich women mpo nie? Boi,” she stated in series of rants on Instagram.

But in a sharp rebuttal, Diamond Appiah has shot down such claims.

Narrating her side of the story, Diamond disclosed that Ayisha never bought the lands but rather took them on credit.

“Who on this earth will credit you land at East Legon hills? But I did that because you had nothing in your life and I wanted you to be able to do something for yourself. Do you know how many prominent people have bought lands from me since 2016? This should be your first and last time you tag me in your attention-seeking rubbish,” she wrote on her Instagram story.

Ayisha Modi, since 2021 has been registered in the bad books of the Mafia gang, made up of Diamond Appiah, Afia Schwarzenegger, and Tracey Boakye.

This comes after she allegedly tried to ‘knock their heads against each other.

It can be recalled that sometime in November 2021, Afia Schwarzenegger disclosed that Ayisha Modi tried to destroy her 7-year-old friendship with Tracey Boakye by peddling lies.

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