Video: You Went To Supreme Court With “Bare Sheet” Instead Of “Pink Sheets” – DCE Jabs Asiedu Nketia

Video: You Went To Supreme Court With "Bare Sheet" Instead Of "Pink Sheets" - DCE Jabs Asiedu Nketia

Instead of taking a hard stance on the current leadership of the Electoral Commission, the District Chief Executive for Sekyere Kumawu, has challenged the General Secretary for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to tell Ghanaians why he was unable to provide a single pink sheet when he acted as witness during the 2020 election petition hearing.

Hon Samuel Addai Agyekum stated on the Agenda 2024 show which was monitored by that it was wrong for the NDC to boycott the recent IPAC meeting with the EC when the party couldn’t even collate their own independent results during the 2020 elections.

The IPAC meeting went on and the NDC didn’t show up because they are accusing the EC of not being transparent but this is a political party that petitioned the court after the elections and went to court with bare sheet instead of pink sheets. Who did they want to entertain them at the court?” he asked.


The General Secretary for the NDC, Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketia, in a statement explained that the party took the decision to boycott the IPAC meetingbecause of the lack of candor, odious duplicity, and open bias that was displayed by the Jean Mensah-led Electoral Commission in favor of the New Patriotic Party” in the conduct of the 2020 general elections.

But Hon Samuel Addai Agyekum responded that Mr. Asiedu Nketia acted that way because he knows messed up at the Supreme Court and is trying to win back their hearts by deliberately picking on the EC.

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