(VIDEO) Best Spelling Bee Competitor Confidence Nsoh Ayendenaba Makes Asokwa Proud As He Represents Ashanti @ The National Level

This is all you need to know about Confidence Nsoh Ayendenaba who is representing the Ashanti Region at the National Level of the Spelling Bee Competition.

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He is a B2 pupil at the KAASE M/A PRIMARY & KG. He was a competitor during the School-Level Reading Festival. Following his tremendous performance, he was added to the school team to compete again during the Circuit-Level Reading Festival.

This confident pupil did not rest but showed his spelling and reading skills at the Inter -Circuit Reading Festival, which was held under the Chairmanship of Nana Asokwahene and the Patronage of the Asokwa MCE and other important dignatories.

When the District was added to compete at the Zonal Level, Master Confidence NSOh emerged the best Competitor in the SPELLING BEE category, and so, he was groomed by his TRAINER to represent the ZONE B at the REGIONAL READING FESTIVAL, which was held at the KUMASI ANGLICAN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, Kumasi, Ashanti on August 3,2022.

Master Confidence NSOR, again, thrilled the larger gathering with his spectacular performance to pick the FIRST POSITION PRIZE in the SPELLING BEE category, comprising GOLD, TROPHY, and other prizes for himself and for the District.

Now, the HERO for the Asokwa Municipal Education Directorate is going to represent the REGION at the National Level. He is the BEST SPELLING BEE competitor among the 43 Districts in Ashanti.

Confidence Nsoh Ayendenaba Ayekoo! The Asokwa Municipal Education Directorate and the entire Municipal Assembly are proud of you.
Thank you.

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