VIDEO: 2020 ELECTIONS: Vote 4 More For Nana Addo, 4 More For Hon Andy Appiah-Kubi To Do More – Mrs. Gina Appiah-Kubi

VIDEO: 2020 ELECTIONS: Vote 4 More For Nana Addo, 4 More For Hon Andy Appiah-Kubi To Do More – Mrs. Gina Appiah-Kubi



As Ghanaians prepare to go to the polls in the December 7 elections, the political atmosphere keeps gathering momentum with activities to usher in the historic day.

Joining the trail of political activities is the wife of the Parliamentary Candidate for Asante Akyem North Constituency, Lawyer Andy Appiah-Kubi, Mrs Gina Appiah-Kubi with a call on Ghanaians to remember the excellent works of President Akufo-Addo and reward him with a massive vote.

According to her, President Akufo-Addo’s introduction of the Free SHS is a trump card to maintain the NDC in opposition.

Mrs Gina Appiah-Kubi was speaking during a house to house campaign to places including Magyeda, Onyemso, Pataban, Nyinatokuro and Ananekrom.


Led by Mr. Fuseini Alhassan, the CEO of Adwumawura Agro Chemicals and some Constituency Executives she reminded the people to remember to give his husband, Lawyer Andy Appiah-Kubi 4 more to do more for the people of Asante Akyem North.


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READ full text by Maa Gina : Our father, Nana Addo extends to you the good people of Nyinatokuro his greetings.

This year’s election is a testimony one, I remember 4 yrs ago, we came to this place and made some promises and said a whole lot, many people around that time did not even believe my husband who then was the NPP parliamentary candidate and now the current MP, you never thought he could flash out the Fulanis from our land, even I myself , as a wife to the MP I was a little doubtful.

I told my husband that we should be careful of such a crucial and sensitive promise.

But he told me that Gina Unless I die before Fulanis can be on this land, through his boldness and faith in God he has been able to flash out Fulanis from this land, so if today you are here giving testimony to that then all thanks to the Almighty God

Whatever you have said here, I’ve heard, Today I will sleep very well.

I was kind of sad anytime i passed here to my farm. I had always asked myself ; so have the people of Ananekrom forgotten all we have done for them so soon? But you have just demonstrated that no; you have not.

All that we can say is that we thank you, Nana Addo thanks you, lawyer Andy thanks you,but the time is here again, we are going to the polls, on 7th December, just remember the good works of Nana Addo and lawyer Andy by giving then 4 more years to do more for you.

Yɛda mo ase bebree…

NB: She visited Magyeda, Onyemso and Pataban same day, the enorsement was massive!


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