Tracy Boakye Became Part Of The NDC Because She Was ‘Hungry’ – Ola Michael

Producer, entertainment critic and presenter, Ola Michael says Ghanaian actress Tracy Boakye is not a sympathizer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

“Tracy is not a sympathizer of the NDC she saw an opportunity and went in for it… I don’t believe she joined with a good heart; she was hungry and looking for an opportunity and she got what she wanted. She doesn’t care what happens to the NDC” he said

Ola Michael, speaking in an interview on Neat FM, however, believes Tracy and Mzbel are being manipulated by some political figures.

“There is a 45-degree angle of politics within; some people are behind masterminding things…some people are benefiting from this because they have managed to drag Mahama into the whole saga” he stated.

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