Top Karela Striker To  Secure A Move To Asante Kotoko

 Top Karela Striker To  Secure A Move To Asante Kotoko


Highly-rated midfielder, Emmanuel Keyekeh is in Kumasi this weekend to complete a move to Asante Kotoko ahead of the upcoming football season.

The Karela United star man has been one of many top players linked with a transfer to the Kumasi-based club in the last few months.

During the inactive football period, the links with Emmanuel Keyekeh to Asante Kotoko died down a bit.

However, ahead of the start of the 2020/2021 football season, the club has rekindled its interest and is keen on bringing the midfielder to Kumasi to provide a squad boost.

On Friday, sources confirmed that the player has been spotted at the Kotoko secretariat.

According to checks, he had talks with head coach Maxwell Konadu and will in the next few days complete a move to the Porcupine Warriors club.

Checks have revealed that the player has been offered a 3-year contract and will ink the dotted lines once he undergoes a mandatory medical examination including a Covid-19 test.

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