The Obour Effect: MUSIGA In turmoil, Ghana Post Looks Good

The Obour Effect: MUSIGA In turmoil, Ghana Post Looks Good

Happenings at the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) call for concern and critical action.

The National Elections Committee of the Union has once again, announced the indefinite postponement of the elections to pick new national and regional executives.

The elections were originally set for January 12, 2022, before it was postponed to February 23, 2022. And then, with just a day to the set date, the NEC released another statement, postponing the elections indefinitely.

The point is this; since the departure of Bice Osei Kuffour as President of the Union, it has been in a state of confusion – inundated with court actions and the perpetual postponement of elections.

Interestingly, Obour has moved on and as the Managing Director of Ghana Post, an appointment bagged just weeks ago, is overseeing the institution’s rebranding exercise while the other entity he left behind is in tatters.

Nothing is the same

It is unprecedented to see MUSIGA go through such a tumult in just organising an election, an exercise that is expected to see the group moving on to fulfill its mandate.

It’s been over two years since Obour finished his tenure and the union is yet to find its feet in handing over to an administration elected by members in good standing.

Following the expiration of his tenure on August 11, 2019, Obour handed over power to the National Executive Committee (NEC) to appoint an Interim Management Committee. The National Executive Committee then appointed an interim team to handle affairs of the group till new executives are elected.

Finger Obour for all the indiscretions in the world but there’s one thing you can’t take away from him; his ability to make MUSIGA such an attractive entity. The end of his tenure as President also ended any desirability and fascination the union had.

The union is now ineffective and unattractive.

Apology not needed

The National Elections Committee (NEC) of MUSIGA has postponed the elections multiple times – an indication that it is a failure in executing such a mandate.

In all its failings with regard to the election, the Committee has been good at one thing though which is offering apologies.

They offered an apology after the first postponement and rendered another apology after the recent deferral, making it seem as though apologies would calm the situation.

The apologies will do nothing to help the aspirants who put together resources and expended time to campaign only for the exercise to be postponed just days to it happening.

The apologies do nothing for the members who have been eager for the past two years to exercise their franchise in electing a new administration to move the union forward.


The Elections Committee, aside offering apologies for every postponement, also has the tendency to offer excuses for its actions.

For the first deferral, the Committee stated that the elections were postponed in order to put measures in place to ensure a free, fair and transparent election.

But wait, there’s more!

For the second deferral, the Committee assigned some jaw-dropping reasons; difficulty in forming a committee to oversee the election, difficulty in generating a budget and anomalies with the Voters Register.

What the Committee is telling us is that it announced a date for the election without having an approved budget, a ratified register and a team to oversee the exercise.

This looks like incompetence and the elections would suffer more postponements if it continues to exist.

Ghana Post

In just a short spate of time, Obour, together with his management team, are transforming Ghana Post.

Before his appointment, Ghana Post looked a like lost cause; an entity that had no enthusiasm from the public.

The rebranding exercise is making the entity look like it was set up just a month ago. The innovative ideas being applied at the firm is making it look all attractive and pleasing.

The ‘Obour Effect’ – which was heavily felt, especially during his first term as President of MUSIGA is being experienced at Ghana Post. Our loss, their gain!

One can hardly blame Obour for the mess the union is currently in considering the fact that he stepped away when his tenure was done. He handed over without any issues and he left the group in such a good place.

Fix the mess

Members of MUSIGA have waited for almost three years to see a new administration that will steer its affairs. They are frazzled by the incessant court proceedings, the shoddy handling of the elections and are losing any interest in anything MUSIGA.

Aspirants are tired of always gathering resources, making plans for the elections only for it to be postponed several times.

Some person (s) must sit up and fix the mess. The union is having difficulty organising a simple election for a just a few people, how does it intend to oversee the welfare of members and other mandates?

Suddenly, a group that looked solid and very organised a few years ago is looking ineffective, same as the other groupings within the creative industry.

Fix the mess, now!

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