Teach Citizens Patriotic Values — Chief Akwannuasah Gyimah Urges NCCE.

Asokwa MCE, Chief Akwannuasah Gyimah receiving a copy of the 1992 constitution from Nathaniel Tweneboah Koduah, Director of NCCE for Asokwa as some officials look on admiringly

Teach Citizens Patriotic Values — Chief Akwannuasah Gyimah Urges NCCE.


The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Asokwa, Chief Akwannuasah Gyimah has urged officials of the National Commission on Civic Education (NCCE) to consciously inculcate into the public values that would make them patriotic citizens.

This, he said was the only way people would feel the need to do what is right at all times.

Welcoming officials of the NCCE to his office Friday after receiving a copy of the 1992 constitution, Mr Akwannuasah said many in the country live as if whatever bad thing that happens to Ghana will not touch them.

Others, he noted do things as if they cared  about nothing in the country.

Dwelling on specifics, the MCE said nobody would dump rubbish into water bodies if they cared about their environment.

He stressed that no one would decide to deplete the forest by cutting down trees meant to serve as cover for the environment.

Galamsey and indiscriminate littering, the MCE noted were some other activities currently harming the Ghanaian environment yet remained an activity people are bent on carrying out.

He noted that the earlier all these issues against the environment are curbed and the corrupt attitude of state officials who take bribes before doing their duties are checked, Ghana would remain dark for many years.

Mr Nathaniel Tweneboah Koduah, Asokwa Municipal Director for NCCE thanked the MCE for the advice.

He promised that the Commission would double its effort in instilling values that will make people responsible citizens.

Giving a brief background to their visit to the MCEs office,  Mr Koduah said the month of April has been set aside as constitutional month since that was when the 1992 constitution came into being.

He noted that as part of the celebration of the month, local government authorities including Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives are given copies of the 1992 constitution as a symbolic gesture and to make the point that as leaders they should lead the way being guided by the constitution of Ghana at all times.


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