Takoradi- Fake Kidnap Victim, Joana Krah Jailed 6 Years

Takoradi- Fake Kidnap Victim, Joana Krah Jailed 6 Years


29-year-old Joana Krah, who faked her abduction at Takoradi in the Western Region, has been sentenced to six years imprisonment.

She was found guilty of causing fear and deceiving a public officer.

She was sentenced to two years on the first charge of the publication of false news, and six years on the second charge of deceiving a public officer.

The court presided over by His Honor Micheal Kwodjoe Ampadu said she will serve a 6-year jail term instead.

Her sentencing comes after she pleaded guilty to the two charges proffered against her at her first appearance before the Court on Monday, October 25.

Before the Presiding Judge sentenced Joana, he temporarily adjourned proceedings and asked the police to take Joana to the Takoradi hospital for her to undergo a pregnancy test.

He, therefore, said the court looked at how Takoradi’s image is being dented by kidnapping, hence the need for such a punishment to deter others.

“In passing the judgment, the court looked at the degree of the prevalence of the crime, considered her age and her character, her three-year-old child as well as being a first time offender coupled with the plea… The threat of kidnapping will destroy Takoradi if nothing is done to stop it. The four Takoradi kidnapped girls’ case is fresh in the minds of the people and Takoradi is becoming synonymous with kidnapping, which is not good for the people of Takoradi and the image of Takoradi. It is clear that her action was to personally benefit from kidnapping and her joke of kidnapping was detrimental to Takoaradi and the court thinks the deterrent sentencing must be given“, he said.

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