Tembu Ebere

Man Goes Blind Attempting To Cry Non-Stop For 7 Days To Earn Guinness World Record

Man Goes Blind Attempting To Cry Non-Stop For 7 Days To Earn Guinness World Record

A Guinea-born influencer said he went temporarily blind in an attempt to obtain the Guinness World Record by crying non-stop for seven days in Nigeria. Tembu Ebere said he suffered headaches, puffy eyes, and a swollen face, and went partially blind for 45 minutes. “I had to re-strategize and reduce my wailing,” he told the BBC, adding he was intent on completing his cry-a-thon in spite of the challenges. Ebere has not applied to Guinness World Record so even if he reaches his target, it will not be an official record. Ebere’s cry-a-thon is one of many Guinness World Records…
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