National Anti-corruption action

President Launches Evaluation Of National Anti-Corruption Action Plan Thursday

President Launches Evaluation Of National Anti-Corruption Action Plan Thursday

President Akufo-Ad­do is scheduled to launch the Evaluation of Ghana’s Maiden National Anti-Corrup­tion Action Plan (NACAP) at the Banquet Hall of the Jubilee House tomorrow Thursday, 21st Decem­ber 2023. NACAP constitutes Ghana’s National Framework to drive anti-corruption activities and pro­mote National development. It contains strategic action plans identified and agreed upon by stakeholders during nationwide consultations. A statement issued in Accra yesterday, said the implementation of the NACAP is in response to the delivery of Ghana’s obliga­tions under the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), the 1992 Constitution and the President’s commitment towards fighting corruption. The greatest strength of the…
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