Nana Osei Okogyeaman I

Man Who Arrested Armed Robbers Gets Chieftaincy Title

Man Who Arrested Armed Robbers Gets Chieftaincy Title

The braveness of a 42-year-old man has earned him a chieftaincy role in the Adansi Praso Traditional Council in the Adansi South District of the Ashanti Region. Mr. Alex Osei Donkoh as known in private life is now called Nana Osei Okogyeaman I, following his enstoolment as Gyaasehene by the traditional leaders and people of Adansi Praso on Thursday, April 20, 2023. After going through the customary and traditional processes, the new Gyaasehene was outdoored and presented to the family and the entire Adansi Praso Township in a very colourful procession through the principal streets. The Chief of Adansi Praso,…
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