Chaos In Kpandai: Youth Attack Herdsmen, 1 In Serious Condition

Chaos In Kpandai: Youth Attack Herdsmen, 1 In Serious Condition

There has been escalation of tension between some youth and herdsmen in Kpandai in the Northern Region. This follows a dreaded attack on a resident of Kanyinkpa a suburb of Kpandai by three men believed to be herdsmen. Reports have it that, at about 7:00pm on Saturday July 6, 2024, the victim was commuting from his village; Kanyinkpa to Kpandai where he now resides with his nuclear family on a motorbike, but halfway through the journey, he was ambushed by three men. The men demanded his motorbike, but the victim identified as thirty-five-year-old Kwadwo Nampar declined, forcing the criminals to…
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