Food and Drugs Authority

More Than 900 Micro, Small-Scale Enterprises Licensed Under PLS – FDA Boss

More Than 900 Micro, Small-Scale Enterprises Licensed Under PLS – FDA Boss

More than 900 micro and small-scale enterprises have been licensed by the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) as at the end of December 2022 under the Progressive Licensing Scheme (PLS). They include 660 food manufacturing facilities and two hundred and ninety-two cosmetics and household chemical substances. The Authority indicated that prior to the commencement of PLS in 2019 only five per cent of micro and small-scale enterprises that applied for licensing were licensed. Dr Delese Mimi Darko, Chief Executive Officer of FDA, said following the implementation of Scheme the performance had increased to 100 per cent. The Scheme is an…
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FDA Dragged To Supreme Court Over ‘No Celebrities In Alcoholic Beverage Ads’ Directive

FDA Dragged To Supreme Court Over ‘No Celebrities In Alcoholic Beverage Ads’ Directive

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has barely two weeks to file its defense in a suit brought against it regarding portions of its guidelines. The FDA’s directives discourage the use of celebrities in the promotion of alcoholic beverages via any medium. This policy forms part of efforts to ensure that minors are protected from being lured into alcoholism. But this, according to the plaintiff, does not augur well for the entertainment industry and robs them of potential streams of income. In the writ issued on November 11, the plaintiff, Mark Darlington Osae said those areas of the FDA’s 2015…
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