Rescind Your Decision Against Debt Exchange Programme, Rather Support It – CIMG To Labour Unions

Rescind Your Decision Against Debt Exchange Programme, Rather Support It – CIMG To Labour Unions

The Chartered Institute of Marketing Ghana (CIMG) has advised labour unions kicking the Debt Exchange Programme to rescind their decisions. According to President of the institute, Dr. Daniel Kasser-Tee, this is necessary to support government’s quest to revive and ensure a stable economy. The government began a debt exchange programme last week expected to impact on bonds and consequently pension funds. But speaking at the 32nd CIMG President’s Ball and induction of new members, Dr. Kasser-Tee, said bringing the economy back to its feet should be the major concern of all and sundry. “Many professional associations have publicly declared on behalf of their…
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Closure Of Shops Contributed To High Inflation – CIMG President Criticise GUTA

Closure Of Shops Contributed To High Inflation – CIMG President Criticise GUTA

The President of the Chartered Institute of Marketing Ghana (CIMG), Dr Daniel Kasser Tee, has said the move by members of the Ghana Union of Traders Associations (GUTA), to close shops to protest rising inflation created artificial shortage of goods in the market. He said such artificial shortages make a huge contribution to the same inflation they seek to protest. “By closing the shops, GUTA is, therefore, also making significant contribution to inflation but will turn round to government, demanding that inflation be brought down,” he said Dr Tee added that, “So, we end up hurting our own businesses because…
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