Afienya: 12-Year-Old Boy Reportedly Drowns In Dortsedor River

Afienya: 12-Year-Old Boy Reportedly Drowns In Dortsedor River

Afienya: 12-Year-Old Boy Reportedly Drowns In Dortsedor River

Afienya: 12-Year-Old Boy Reportedly Drowns In Dortsedor River Police in Afienya have begun a search for a 12-year-old boy who is suspected to have drowned in the Dortsedor river along the Afienya-Dawhenya road. A statement from the Police said at about 6:00 pm on May 24, 2022, the boy’s father, 57-year-old Solomon Chiatey Totimeh, accompanied by his son- 15-year-old James Tetteh Totimeh, reported the case to the station. He reported that at about 4:40 pm, James Totimeh and his 12-year-old younger brother, Francis Totimeh, went fishing on the Dortsedor river on Afienya-Dawhenya road. “They were home only for his son…
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