Study For Me —- Mama Pat Tells Pupils Of Asokwa Schools.

Study For Me —- Mama Pat Tells Pupils Of Asokwa Schools.


The Member of Parliament for Asokwa, Madam Patricia Appiagyei has appealed to pupils who are in schools in the Asokwa Municipality to study for her anytime they get to their classrooms.

She noted that her life in the political arena may one day come to an end but would need other persons such as those she finds in schools in Asokwa to take over from her and continue from where she may have left off.

Madam Appiagyei who said this Monday morning during a tour of seven schools in Asokwa also intimated that she intends to encourage and raise children who could shape the development path of the people in the municipality.

The third time MP also urged authorities in the Asokwa, Ahensan, Atonsu, Kaase, Ahensan, Chirapatre and Gyinyase and Dompoase Primary schools to ensure they give the pupils the right kind of education to ensure a positive impact on them.

‘’My desire is to see every boy or girl in Asokwa rise to become the best in fields of endeavor and to achieve this I want all of you to just study for me’’, Mama Pat told the gathering.


Donating personal protective equipment such as nose masks, hand sanitizers as well as school uniforms, sandals, colored chalk during the tour of the schools, the Asokwa MP, who was accompanied by the Asokwa MCE, Chief Akwannuasah Gyimah and some party executives called on school authorities to see to the strict observance of the COVID-19 protocol.

Madam Patricia Appiagyei, MP for Asokwa addressing pupils at the Gyinyase cluster of schools. With her is MCE for Asokwa, Chief Akwannuasah Gyimah
Madam Patricia Appiagyei, MP for Asokwa addressing pupils at the Gyinyase cluster of schools. With her is MCE for Asokwa, Chief Akwannuasah Gyimah

Madam Appiagyei said though education was an important enterprise, pupils should not be left to do anything when COVID-19 was still lurking.

She noted the difficulties the younger ones were facing wearing the nose masks but urged teachers to offer advice to them not to put them off.

The Asokwa legislator however expressed worry about the lack of the adherence of the social distance etiquette by some of the pupils at some of the schools visited but was hopeful that authorities would act on the admonition she gave them regarding the same.

‘’These donations I have done over the years are to paint one picture and that is to ensure that everything was done and provided for Asokwa schools to churn out brilliant pupils who would one day replace us and make the Municipality the best developed area in Ghana’’, Madam Appiagyei passionately stressed.


Reverend Ebenezer Oteng Marfo, Asokwa Municipal Director of Education commended the MP and her team for displaying true acts of generosity.

He noted that the MP had on several occasions delivered on her promise and had given the directorate so much support in COVID-19 times.

This show of care by the MP and the Asokwa Municipal Assembly, Rev Marfo intimated would help drive the quality of education in Asokwa.

On his part, MCE for Asokwa, Chief Akwannuasah Gyimah lauded the efforts of the MP and noted that this gesture of hers brings comfort to some parents who cannot afford to either buy new clothes or sandals for their wards.

Chief Akwannuasah also asked school authorities to ensure they give off their best to help educate pupils in schools in Asokwa to become the best in the region.


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