The People’s National Convention (PNC) Youth condemns in the strongest terms the recent attacks on
the Ashanti regional Chief Imam Sheik Abdul Mumin Harun by certain groups affiliated to a political
It is disheartening to witness political parties exploiting their youth to disrespect and undermine
our esteemed religious leaders. We unequivocally condemn the bigoted remark made by Hon. Sam
George against His Excellency Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, the vice president. Such language goes
against the principles of tolerance, unity, and constructive political discourse that should be upheld by
all public figures and representatives.

We respect the right of every individual to express their views and opinions freely. However, this should
not be a license to attack and belittle our religious bodies, such as the Ashanti regional Chief Imam, for
expressing his opinion.

Religious leaders, irrespective of their faith, play a vital role in guiding and shaping the moral fabric of
our society. They serve as beacons of wisdom and provide spiritual guidance to millions of Ghanaians.
It is therefore disconcerting to witness their loyalty and integrity being questioned simply because they
expressed their personal thoughts.

We call upon all political parties to refrain from using their youth as instruments of disrespect towards
our religious leaders. Instead, let us focus on constructive debates and discussions that enrich our
democracy, rather than fostering division and undermining the fabric of our society.

We urge all Ghanaians to embrace tolerance, respect, and understanding, especially in matters
pertaining to religion and politics. Let us stand united in upholding the principles and values that have
made Ghana a beacon of democracy and harmony in Africa.

The younger generation needs to pay careful attention to the policies and ideas presented by political
parties, focusing on their potential to create employment opportunities. They should also examine these
policies, whether proposed by their own party or others, in order to make informed decisions that would
benefit young people in the 2024 election. It is essential for the youth not to be exploited by political
parties, but to assertively demand better policies that prioritize their needs.

Together, we can foster an inclusive and respectful society that allows for the free expression of ideas,
while simultaneously safeguarding the dignity and honor of our religious leaders.

Muniru Seidu Mohammed

PNC National Youth Organiser

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