STATEMENT: John Mahama Is Preparing The Grounds For Chaos- Ashanti Region NPP

We Can’t Use Our ‘Mouth’ To Break The Eight- Dr. Boadi Suadwa

The Ashanti Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party has issued a statement condemning a statement by the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress that his party would not accept the verdict of the 2020 elections if it doesn’t go his way.

Mr. Bernard Antwi-Boasiako in a statement copied to stated that the address by former President John Mahama was uncouth and a signal that he wants to lead an upheaval in Ghana.

Full Statement below…

The flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mr. John Mahama, is gradually sinking and sending signals that shows he doesn’t want to see a united Ghana after the 2020 general elections.

As Ashanti Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and being major stakeholder in the impending elections, I would want to correct an erroneous statement he made during his address at the NDC’s headquarters.

His address was full of lies and claim he made about new voters being added to the new compiled register in Asawase Constituency is untrue.

How can the former President who wholeheartedly praised the Electoral Commission (EC) after it conducted the compilation of new register, then out to lambast the same institution within a short time to a major election.

Inasmuch as there were minor errors recorded and is being addressed, the leader of the NDC should not make a mountain out of a molehill.

With defeat staring him in the face, it would be better for him to concentrate on telling Ghanaians his mistakes and prepare adequately for 2024 rather than paint a gloomy picture about a successful exercise which was conducted by the Electoral Commission of Ghana.

If he should continue in this manner, it becomes clearer that he is preparing the grounds for chaos and he must be reminded that he would be severely dealt with should he overstep his boundary.

Ghana is a country governed by laws and not the NDC press conferences.

Ashanti Regional Chairman of NPP

Bernard Antwi-Boasiako

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