SNV Ghana Holds GrEEn Regional Job Fair In Ashanti Region

A European Union-funded Organization, SNV Ghana in partnership with the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations, Ghana TVET Services, Association of Ghana Industries (AGI), and Ghana Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs have organized GrEEn Regional job fair in the Ashanti Region.

The 2023 GrEEn Regional Job Fair was under the theme “Career Prospects in TVET: The nexus of green jobs for inclusive transformational development” and will aim at inspiring young people to seek and explore green job opportunities and solutions in TVET.

The job fair was engulfed with entrepreneurs showcasing their products and offering job opportunities to the unemployed.

Speaking at the event, the project Manager for GrEEn, Laouali Sadda the idea was to organize a job fair annually but with the outbreak of the deadly COVID-19, the idea hit a stumbling block.

Laouali Sadda said to organize a job fair you need to have the youth.

He continued that Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is the key component when it comes to jobs hence the idea of centering the theme for the job fair on TVET.

The project Manager for GrEEn said a person can’t have access to a job if he lacks technical knowledge.

For his part, the Ashanti Regional Boss for TVET education, Richard Addo Gyamfi said GrEEn is the new kid on the block.

Mr Addo Gyamfi said fossil fuel cars would be out of the system by 2030 and that the TVET students should be trained in how to service electrical cars.

Chipping in, Hawa Braiamah, who represented the Ashanti Regional Chairman of the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI), Mr. Kwasi Nyamekye said the Association is prepared to give Vocational and Technical Support to job seekers who do not have preferred skills.

Hawa Braimah revealed that the major challenge of the AGI has got to do with the trustworthiness of potential employees.

She reaffirmed the AGI’s commitment to the progress and development of industries in the Region and the country to create opportunities for employment and prosperity.

“Every employer wants the best from the employee and will do everything possible to retain good employees. they should seek the job with good intentions to support the growth of business and enjoy a fair joy of a fair share of the business prosperity.

Some of the entrepreneurs in an interview lavished praises on SNV Ghana saying the organization has assisted them to acquire jobs and training.

They added that, through SNV Ghana they have secured knowledge on how to expand their business and attract customers.

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