Single Spine Pay Policy Under Review – Akufo-Addo

Single Spine Pay Policy Under Review – Akufo-Addo

President Akufo-Addo has revealed that a technical committee has been set up by the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations to review the Single Spine Pay Policy.

According to him, this review is expected to give the government answers on whether or not the policy is living up to expectations.

Speaking at the May Day ceremony on Sunday, May 1, he stated that “I am also happy to announce that following the National Labour Conference at Kwahu, the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations and its tripartite partners have set up, as of Tuesday. 26th April, a technical committee to review the Single Spine Pay Policy (SSPP), and advise Government accordingly.”

This year’s May Day celebration was held under the theme, ““Protecting Jobs and Incomes in the era of Covid-19 and Beyond.”

President Akufo-Addo stated that the government is expecting the report on the review in July 2021.

This, he believes, “will help us put an end to most of the unrest we see on the labour front involving public sector workers.”

The Single Spine Pay Policy was introduced by the Government of Ghana and implemented in 2010 to regulate the payment of public service workers, especially those under Article 190 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana

They include public sector employees in the Civil Service, the Judicial Service, the Audit Service, the Ghana Education Service, the Ghana Health Service, the Parliamentary Service, the National Fire Service, Ghana Revenue Authority, the Local Government Service, the Police Service, and the Prisons Service, workers in non-profit public corporations, statutory public services excluding public services such as the Parliament.

The policy has however suffered some challenges.

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