Security Alert! Chairman Wontumi Foils NDC’s Secret Plan To Kill And Burn

Security Alert! Chairman Wontumi Foils NDC’s Secret Plan To Kill And Burn

Chairman Wontumi the “Governor of Ashanti” has revealed yet another secret plot allegedly being hatched by some key persons in the NDC to create instability in the Ashanti region in the run up to the elections.

He further alleged that one Mr. Samuel Sarpong, has been placed at the head of those masterminding the plot.

According to him, the secret plotters have assembled a group of thugs who will be on contract to torch some selected markets and hotels in the region apart from eliminating certain personalities they will target.

“I’m privy to all that transpired at the crucial meeting held at a hotel to plan the diabolical plot with a former national security co-ordinator, Mr Larry Gbevlo Lartey, travelling all the way to Kumasi to take part in the deliberations to strategize for the operation.”

A former security co-ordinator for Ashanti, Mr. Bimpong Marfo and a known NDC apparatchik , Nana Akwasi, have all been fingered as having allegedly sat in the meeting.
He further revealed that the clandestine plot fits perfectly into the scheme reveled by the contents of the alleged Ofosu Ampofo’s tape which details a number of violent activities the NDC plan to unleash on Ghanaians in the run-up to the December elections.

Chairman Wontumi who was emotional while making the disclosure on an early morning programme on Wontumi TV/FM hosted by Oheneba Nana Asiedu, also alleged that a military man whose name he mentioned Jabary , is a key element in the alleged plot.

The Ashanti Rregional NPP Chairman questioned what will benefit the perpetrators if in a worst case scenario the NDC won the elections.

He reminded the alleged plotters and their collaborators to learn lessons from sad fate that befell a known NDC hiring who was notorious for wrecking havoc on innocent persons.
“Cedi,” whose real name was Linford Owu, according to Chairman Wontumi “will always be remembered for bundling Appiah Stadium into his car and attempted to burn him alive. He was the main architect of most of the NDC’s dirty acts when it was in power.”
“Cedi died in his room under mysterious circumstances and the body could only be discovered after it had decomposed.” He recalled.
According to Chairman Wontumi anybody contracted by the NDC to harm innocent persons or do any of their dirty works ”should learn lessons from the tragic end of Cedi because no known member of the NDC attended his funeral to sympathize with the bereaved family or to pay their last respects.”
“This should be a lesson to all those who may he contracted to perpetrate the diabolical or be used as tools in creating mayhem that could destabilize Ashanti. to instability. He therefore appealed to all those who may be tempted to be the actors in the NDC’s alleged plot to kill and destroy people’s property to tread cautiously, “because it would not be a useful enterprise after all.” .

Meanwhile, Chairman Wontumi has appealed to the good people of the Region to be on the alert and help foil any such attempt to create unnecessary tension, fear and panic “ in a region which has for along time known an enduring peace and gearing itself up for a peaceful, free and fair election.”
He assured the people of the Region that even though the intricate network of the squad includes some police personnel, and lawyers who will ensure those caught in any such act to create mayhem are left off the hook,l” they can never escape justice. “
Meanwhile, Chairman Wontumi has cautioned that Mr. Sarpong, Mr. Marfo And Nana Akwasi who are all residents of Kumasi and their conspirators that “they will be held responsible for any act of arson and political killing between now and the election period.”
“Bimpong Maafo and his clique including Mr. Sarpong and Nana Akwasi will be held responsible for any act in the Metropolis that would threaten the peace of the region.” He charged.

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