Sale of SSNIT Hotel Shares: Obiri Boahen Drags Togbe Afede And Eddie Annan In As He Blasts Ablakwa

Sale of SSNIT Hotel Shares: Obiri Boahen Drags Togbe Afede And Eddie Annan In As He Blasts Ablakwa

Lawyer Obiri Boahen has exposed Okudzeto Ablakwa for being a hypocrite in trying to incite some section of the public against Bryan Acheampong after going through the legitimate process to acquire 60% of shares in four hotels owned by SSNIT.

Speaking on the state of Elimina Beach Resort, lawyer Obiri Boahen indicated that it is in a sorry state and guests might cringe and reject the food served them if they were to spend a night there.

Touching on the political twist the Member of Parliament for North Tongu is trying to add to the acquisition process; Obiri Boahen stated on Wontumi TV that it was needless.

According to him, if known sympathizers of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) like Togbe Afede and Edward Annan are free to operate Africa World and Passion Air respectively without people going against them, then what makes it wrong for Bryan Acheampong’s Rock City Hotel to expand their hotel business by acquiring some stakes in SSNIT hotels.

He went on to name Stanley Owusu, another sympathizer of the NDC of owning Kumasi Catering Rest House but sold the property to Hon. Bryan Acheampong because he was struggling to maintain its daily operations.

“Is it that they enjoy seeing everything getting out of order in Ghana?” he rethorically asked Okudzeto Ablakwa.

“Is that what Ablakwa enjoys witnessing? It is only in Africa that government does everything. When you go to Spain and Malaysia, private individuals are the ones working on roads”, he said as he urged the nation to encourage private individuals to own and run businesses instead of overburdening the central government.



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