Retain Us For The Massive Work We’ve Done – NPP MP

Retain Us For The Massive Work We’ve Done – NPP MP

The Member of Parliament Ayawaso Central Constituency in the Greater Accra Region on the ticket of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Henry Quartey has expressed optimism that Ghanaians will on December 7, 2020, retain President Akufo-Addo into power and also retain him as their MP so they can continue with ”their good works”.

Speaking at the launch of the campaign team for the constituency, the MP who is also the Deputy Interior Minister said a vote for the NPP will consolidate the gains made by this administration.

He said per the good leadership, visionary of a leader the president of the country and what he has done so far by bringing infrastructure to this constituency, by bringing jobs to the youth of this country, by bringing social intervention to the people of this constituency and infact, we are also enjoying the stimulus packages; free water, free electricity, nobody needs to tell you that by the grace of God you have to give us the mandate for a second term.

He added there projects to be continued with projects to be initiated should the NPP retain power but one thing I know is that we will continue to provide jobs for the youth in this constituency, we will continue to improve on infrastructure, social interventions we have brought to this constituency

He asked Ghanaians to demonstrate to other countries that this year’s polls would free, fair, transparent and incident-free.

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