Reserve Ejisu Parliamentary Seat For John Kumah’s Wife- Renowned Lawyer Suggests

Reserve Ejusi Parliamentary Seat For John Kumah’s Wife- Renowned Lawyer Suggests
Mrs Kumah

Renowned lawyer Maurice Ampaw is suggesting that the vacant Ejisu parliamentary seat, must be given to the widow of John Kumah on a silver platter.

Making the suggestion on Wontumi TV last Sunday, the respected lawyer stated that such a move serves as an honour to the late former Member of Parliament for Ejisu constituency.

“Let’s honour John Kumah, I propose that at Ejisu, nobody should go and contest the spirit of John Kumah…John Kumah’s wife should take over. Nobody should contest the spirit of John Kumah, his wife should run unopposed”, he proposed live on TV.

In doing so, lawyer Ampaw urged the people of Ashanti to unite and vote massively against the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

“NDC can’t even put out a contest if the wife of John Kumah is made to contest. The place will give him 100% votes. Let all Ashantis unite in the name of John Kumah, and vote massively against their opponent”, he said.

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