‘Remove The Ghana Flag From Your Neck’ – Judge Orders Oliver Barker-Vormawor

A High Court Judge on Thursday morning ordered #FixTheCountry Movement convener, Oliver Barker-Vormawor, to “remove the Ghana flag from his neck.”

The Cambridge PhD student, who was draped in the flag of Ghana, was in Criminal Court 3 conversing with his lawyers and holding a walking stick.

This was before Justice Mary Maame Akua Yanzu, who is presiding over the case of treason felony filed against the youth activist will enter the courtroom and gavel the court to order.

When she entered the court and the case was called, Mr Barker-Vormawor walked from the gallery into the dock still draped in the Ghana flag.

“Sir, please step back and remove the Ghana flag and fold it”, the piercing voice of Justice Mary Maame Akua Yanzu was heard through the courtroom.

The Judge made a similar order directed at two other persons who were also in court to offer solidarity to the activist.

Mr Barker-Vormawor and his supporters complied with the order before the case proceeded.

Oliver Barker-Vormawor who is standing trial for treason felony is accusing government of unnecessarily delaying his trial.

The Criminal Court division of the High Court adjourned the case involving the activist to 21st October to hear an application filed by lawyers of the accused to quash the bill of indictment.

“Why? Are the courts immune to the Ghana flag?”, he quizzed.

He continued “it’s never been my understanding that the court system had a problem with the Ghana flag.

“Of course when the whole democracy is so much in shambles and everybody is ashamed to identify because the sense of patriotism is low, markers of patriotism like this obviously make people uncomfortable.”

Right after the court adjourned, Oliver draped himself again with the flag.

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