Prof. Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang Is “Empty”- Lawyer Maurice Ampaw

Prof. Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang Is “Empty”- Lawyer Maurice Ampaw
Lawyer Ampaw

Lawyer Maurice Ampaw has described Prof. Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang as an “empty” politician.

According to the seasoned lawyer, the 2020 running mate of former President John Mahama will find it difficult succeeding him in the event the National Democratic Congress (NDC) wants a new candidate to lead them into a presidential election.

“If Mahama loses today, Jane Naana can’t succeed him because she will be beaten by Haruna and Spio Garbrah”, lawyer Ampaw said on Wontumi TV.

In another development, lawyer Ampaw questioned the rationale behind Mr. Mahama’s haste to name a running mate when he has been unable to even form a campaign team.

“You don’t have a campaign team but you have settled on a running mate”, lawyer Ampaw said and argued that “she (Naana) doesn’t have any political space and can’t even succeed Mahama. How can she face Asiedu Nketia or the big NDC whips?”

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