Probe The Corruption Scandals During Your Regime Before Menzgold Saga- Chief Tells Mahama

Probe The Corruption Scandals During Your Regime Before Menzgold Saga- Chief Tells Mahama

Renowned Akyem Royal, Etwienana Baffour Oteatuoso Kokoben II, has questioned why the former President, John Dramani Mahama , did not probe all the corruption scandals that occurred during his era

Nana Oteatuoso made this reference on a comment made by the NDC flagbearer that, he will re-visit the Menzgold saga if he gets the opportunity to rule the country again.

In an interview on Wontumi Radio/TV’s Morning Show on Friday morning, the vocal NPP sympathizer stressed that, John Mahama formed a COVID-19 committee so he should do same to go into the cases of corruption linked to his administration.
“Prof. John Evans Atta Mills formed a committee to investigate him so he should also follow suit.”
“What hindered John Mahama to investigate the Airbus and Ford expedition saga; GEEDA and SADA saga; 2014 Brazil fiasco deal and bus branding scandal etc ? .” He questioned

He said that, if John Mahama is serious and wants to be President again he should break his silence on the Airbus saga which is long overdue..

Nana Oteatuoso said that, John Mahama should not jump the gun if he hasn’t investigated the corruption scandals that occurred under his watch.

According to him, a section of NDC leading members have tagged John Mahama as “corrupt” that’s why they have stated that, he cannot lead the party to clinch victory in the 2020 elections.


The presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mr John Dramani Mahama, has promised to investigate the Menzgold scandal when elected as president in the December 7, 2020 general elections.

Addressing NDC supporters in Tarkwa at the launch the party’s campaign in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem constituency on Tuesday, Mr Mahama said the next NDC government will use all legitimate means to retrieve the locked up funds of Menzgold customers.

He was concerned that the government has made no significant effort to retrieve the customer’s money.

“What is so special about NAM 1 that Akufo-Addo is shielding him? Why do you unleash the police on innocent customers while NAM 1 walks free,” he fumed.

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