Political Pluralism affecting Ghana’s democratic development – Rawlings

Political Pluralism affecting Ghana’s democratic development – Rawlings

Former President Jerry John Rawlings has lamented the negative impact of political pluralism on Ghana’s democratic development.

He believes much can be achieved with the combined efforts of all in formulating attainable developmental policies.

This was communicated in a speech read on his behalf by a member of the National Democratic Party, Nana Mensah Osei Bonsu during a congress organized by the party on Saturday, September 5, 2020 to acclaim Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings as its flagbearer.

“Our political, economic, social and developmental challenges can be tackled if we combine our efforts as a people to formulate realistic policies that we can pursue to a logical conclusion. Political pluralism has rather bred a dangerous air of division into our social development which threatens to derail all that we have worked hard as a people to achieve.

“We have once again allowed the Kalabuley of the 1970’s to creep into our daily lives like a malignant tumour. I am hopeful that the process that the NDP is going through today will add value to the national discourse and enrich political development.”

The NDP’s third National Delegates Conference was held in Accra on Saturday, September 5, 2020.

Nana Konadu received an overwhelming endorsement from party delegates as the NDP flagbearer for the 2020 presidential election and was subsequently acknowledged by the Electoral Commission.

The conference was on the theme: “Shared Leadership for National Transformation, Human Empowerment, and Anti-Corruption.”

The Party, at the Conference, acclaimed its National Executive including Madam Betty Akufo Amoabeng as the Chairperson, Mr Anthony Kusi, Vice Chairperson, and Alhaji Mohammed Frimpong, General Secretary.

It also out-doored members of its Steering Committees: Standing Orders, Elections, Welfare, and Research and Monitoring.

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