Police Gun Down 2 Suspected Armed Robbers In Gun Battle @ Obuasi

Police Gun Down 2 Suspected Armed Robbers In Gun Battle @ Obuasi


The Obuasi Police Divisional patrol team in the Ashanti region has gunned down two suspected armed robbers following a gun battle at Obuasi Akomfokrom near mile 9.

One of the suspects, according to the Ashanti regional police command, tried to escape police arrest at about 9 pm during the exchange of gunfire with the suspects.

Items retrieved from the deceased suspects include one AK47 rifle with five empty shells, a locally manufactured gun, among others from the suspects.

Ashanti regional police public relations officer, ASP Godwin Ahianyo told Wontumi Radio reporter Akyemkwaa Nana Kofi Asare that “the Obuasi divisional police patrol on Wednesday 10th March 2021, at about 5:10 pm had a tip-off that some armed-robbers had been spotted along the Obuasi Mile 9 road on suspicion of carrying out a robbery attack.”

The patrol team proceeded to the area and upon reaching the outskirts of Akofrokrom near Mile 9, three young men armed with guns emerged from the bush and started firing towards the patrol vehicle. The police in self-defense returned fire and in the process two of the armed robbers lost their life through gunshots. The third person, however, managed to escape.”

He further disclosed that “on-the-spot search at the scene revealed one AK47 assault rifle with serial number KO237016 with five empty shells also found at the scene. One locally manufactured single-barreled gun and one spare BB catridge also retrieved”

“Subsequently the patrol team retrieved one AK47 assault rifle magazine loaded with thirty rounds of ammunition and twenty-live BB cartridges concealed in a polythene bag. Four mobile phones were also found on the deceased robbers. As we speak, the bodies of the deceased robbers have since been deposited at the Obuasi municipal hospital morgue pending an investigation and autopsy whiles effort is being made to apprehend the third suspect.”

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